Saturday, October 15, 2011

Guilty Mom - Choices

Do you love your children? How much?  Have you ever had anyone ask you that,  most of us havent.....people don't ask because we observe and most of the time you can tell right?  We get a lot of "How do you do it" or "You certainly must be busy!" ect.  My mom always told me "the choices you make today will affect you for the rest of your life so choose wisely." Even with this wise advise I still sometimes get caught up in the "now" moment....guilty again.
I went grocery shopping after a very long day (Jason was in the ER for 6 hours, sat in the waiting room with all 4 kids) and as I am walking through I am trying to make the right choices.....fruits, vegetables, grains, ect.....trying to hurry as I have 4 hungry children biting at my ankles.  Not the perfect time to go grocery shopping but when is?  We get through that production get back in the van as I am driving passed the fast food section the kids start begging for me to stop brain is fighting  back and forth I started thinking "you want your kids to make the right choices and giving them McDonalds is not a good one....but it would be so easy....I have had such a long will take me 25 min to make a meal.....I don't want to hear them scream" on and on have you ever experienced this?  I have caved in to this several times. But I keep seeing in my mind the 11 y.o. McDonalds hamburger that has never molded and looks like it was bought today....I dont want anything that would last that long outside going in to my childs body.  Here is a picture of that:
11 year old McDonalds Hamburger with Bun
Here again we are being used as experiments. We dont know exactly where that hamburger comes from, what is in it, what it made out of, and so forth.. but yet we are putting it in our bodies.  Look at it 11 years old....would you eat it?  Course not. But why would we allow our children too? Yuckkk !!! I drove on by and the kids started to whine.  I just told them if they did not whine I would make them a shake when we got home.  They stopped.  Our shakes consist of Shaklee Instant soy/Cinch, Shaklee Meal Shake, Shaklee Physique, organic yogurt, organic milk, fruit, and some homemade whipped cream (once in a blue moon).  I let them put the ingredients in the blender they love it!  We normal have some form of protein at least once a day but sometimes we need a treat and this is easy, economical and the right choice!  Helps keep their blood sugars level and gives them energy (not that they need more but...).  I had picked up some ice cream and that wasnt even asked for that is when I know it good.  That was our supper super easy!!!!!  After the day we had it was  blessing.

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Shake Recipe:
2 scoop of Chocolate Cinch
1 tbls of Instant Soy Protein
1 tsp wheat germ
1/4 c. organic yogurt
6 oz. organic milk
Homemade whip cream
Put Ice in blender crush add milk, yogurt, strawberries then put the cinch, protein, and wheat germ in.....mmmmmmmmm I love chocolate covered strawberries. Whip cream to top!

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