Friday, May 11, 2012

Ever Feel overwhelmed by what you know....????

Ever feel overwhelmed by knowledge? Wish maybe you didn't know what you know? Lately, I have been researching for my presentations it is becoming more and more apparent that Knowledge is Power.  I believe in educating people and then allowing them to make their own decisions if they want to change. That power though can be overwhelming at times. WARNING: don't read any further if you don't want to know. I don't choose to go to McDonald's because of  McDonald's Hamburger has a shelf life of at least 12 years (we have a friend that bought a hamburger and it looks the same now as it did then), I don't take antibiotics, medicine, vaccinate my children (there are other ways to protect besides why would you want your newborn to get an STD shot????) Drugs are toxic to our bodies breaking down the immune system not helping it. Believe me there are side effects even if you don't see them yet.

I was recently talking with someone about their health (we do free consultations) and he was on nebulizer treatments 3X/day(had COPD) as we were talking I said have you read about the possible side effects of those drugs? He commented "NO, I didn't know there were any"......He was an older gentlemen and he was unaware....when I read the side effects of 2 of the 8 drugs he was shocked.....?This was a rare case and most people are looking for alternatives because of the side effects of drugs.  But when he found out he was all ready to take the natural alternative then have to possibly deal with the side effects.  Birth Control is another medicine that has new studies out that show the increase of blood clots and gallbladder problems.  Then have you heard about the controversies surrounding Pepsi products??? Using embryonic cells from aborted fetuses? Why? To enhance flavoring......this is so wrong in every aspect.  Every time I see a Pepsi product now I envision and unborn baby. No matter where you lie on politics you have to admit this is wrong. also found that it did not stop at Pepsi products but is found in a lot more. So there goes Pop, Ocean Spray juice, gummies, and Certs, and much more....not that I drank or ate a lot of these it was nice every so often to be able to.  Here is the website you can visit to learn more about this. List of Products  We all have a choice either use those products or adjust our diets (most of the time for the better) what choice are you going to make?

Knowledge is power and better to be educated then unaware of what could possible hurt my families bodies both physically, mentally, and environmentally.

Have a great day!!!

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